Wednesday 22 May 2013

Challenge Accepted!

***Sprinkle Of Glitter*** 30 Day Snap
A couple of days ago I came across a post from ***Sprinkle Of Glitter***, she has joined many other bloggers challenging themselves to upload an image everyday in June. She has invited her followers to join and I thought it would be a great way to spend my second month of blogging!
So the rules are simple, upload one picture of your day, everyday in June. I will warn you I don't own a camera, well a proper one I will just be using the one I have on my iphone, but it may release my inner creativity and photographic skills :/ 
Have a look at ***Sprinkle Of Glitter's*** blog as she will be doing it too, and lets all be nosey for the next month....... See you in ten days! 

(Well before for some other posts)

Love Jess x

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